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Self-Improvement > Addiction & Recovery

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A Woman's Worth 4 (Book 4 of 6) Jamell Crouthers
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
ISBN: 9798798242085
Women’s mental health is a topic that gets discussed but not enough in today’s world. Patricia is someone who is on the path to becoming a better woman and not caving into the pressures of what the world wants her to be. She chronicles her story as a recovering alcohol addict and her story starts from childhood all the way to the present day. Her struggles, home life and how she got to becoming an alcohol addict along with recovering. It’s not an easy journey and sometimes we don’t know what women are going through mentally, emotionally and spiritually until we sit and listen to their stories. Everyone has a story, it’s just a matter of whether we’re empathetic enough to listen...
A.A. Meetings in Akron and Cleveland 1938-1942 Glenn Chesnut
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
This book describes how meetings were held (citing eyewitness accounts from that time) and what was being taught in Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Akron and Cleveland during the formative period that stretched from 1938 to 1942. The book includes a section on the list of ten books that the Akron Manual recommended that all their new people read, including Emmet Fox’s Sermon on the Mount, Henry Drummond’s book on 1 Corinthians 13, James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh, and Abundant Living by E. Stanley Jones. The last part of the book talks about the four different spiritual traditions that early Alcoholics Anonymous drew upon, and what the early A.A. people learned from each of these traditi ...
Brownie: The St. Louis Gambler Glenn F. Chesnut
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Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Harold Brown (1914-1983) was one of the great spiritual teachers of Alcoholics Anonymous in the Illinois-Indiana-Michigan area in the second half of the twentieth century. Beginning life as a professional gambler and nightclub emcee in the old river boat city of St. Louis, his drinking drove him first to Chicago and then to the factory town of South Bend, eighty miles east of Chicago. There in 1950 Brownie found sobriety and a higher power - a God of his understanding - who taught him gratitude and love. Still to this day, on Saturday evenings at 8:00 p.m., speakers come from all over the area, from as far away as Chicago and its northern suburbs, from Lansing in central Michigan, and Bl ...
COLORING YOUR AWESOME! Inspiration for the Journey from Abuse to PureAwesomeness Linda Jo White
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Size: 8.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Scientific studies prove that artistic activities, including coloring, have tangible therapeutic benefits. Research has also shown that there are positive changes in a persons life when they choose to think on positive words and words of affirmation. It’s true that you can change your mood and motivation with just one word. Oh how transformational is the power of thinking and speaking words of life, hope and love! In COLORING YOUR AWESOME: INSPIRATION FOR THE JOURNEY FROM ABUSE TO PUREAWESOMENESS, Linda Jo White presents powerful words in a uniquely creative and artistic way that inspires and equips you to Overcome your Past, Discover your Purpose and Propel you into your PureAwesomen ...
DUI Group Session Curriculum Series Doc Tyler
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Size: 8.5" x 11"
Binding: Spiral Bound
This Group Session Curriculum Series is a collection of topics and lessons to be used in DUI and substance abuse programs, and other support or self-help group meeting sessions. It was created using a transformation and self-acceptance paradigm that encourages the pursuit of healthy lifestyle choices using self-evaluation and reflection techniques and emotional competence training. The goal is to get participants to practice positive, healthy behaviors that improve all areas of life.
Finding my way, Through the abyss Paul Rickson
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 5.83" x 8.26"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Addiction comes in many forms and in many ways. We all have to fight our demons to get to the end of the tunnel. Fighting our way through oblivion and flying through the abyss. We all have a story. A journal sort of speak. Our words and thoughts. These are mine.
Heart of the Matter Healthy Coping Skills Journal for everyday life Sabine Shuler, LPC
Books with a 0 star rating(0)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
Sometimes, life just shows up and when it does there are two things that can happen; we handle it in ways that are beneficial to our goals or we find other ways to cope that have a profound negative effect on us and the people and things we value.
Heroes of Early Black AA: Their Stories and Their Messages Glenn C.
Books with a 0 star rating(2)
Size: 6" x 9"
Binding: Perfect Bound
The stories of the first heroic black men and women who joined Alcoholics Anonymous, told wherever possible in their own words, recorded freely and frankly. The story begins with St. Louis (January 24, 1945); followed by Chicago (March 20, 1945), along with the factory and foundry towns which spread eastwards as suburbs. Later that same year (April 1945) came the story of Dr. James C. Scott, Jr., M.D., the black physician who founded the first black A.A. group in the nation’s capital, and was the first black A.A. member to get his story in the Big Book. The book concludes with the story of Joe McQuany (March 10, 1962) of the Joe and Charlie tapes, the most famous black figure in A.A. His ...
I Am Enough J. Kyle Short
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Size: 5.5" x 8.5"
Binding: Perfect Bound
What if all the questions you have been asking to all of the outside, external sources were able to be answered from within? Are you willing to respond to the inquiries that are posed in this writing? Are you willing to challenge the old tapes that have held the microphone in your mind for far too long? Or are you simply seeking fulfillment in another direction of life? Your course depends upon the wind and the sail. Perhaps you are able to create at a greater capacity than you previously believed. This book will show you the way.

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